TinyURL for YouTube Channel
Hey everyone, you can now find the Creo Parametric YouTube channel at the easy to remember Tiny URL of http://tinyurl.com/CreoParametric....

Join me at LiveWorx!
I've been invited to speak at LiveWorx 2019 in Boston from June 10 - 13, so if you're attending, I hope I see you there and you check out...

Creo Parametric 6.0!
According to the above email from PTC, Creo Parametric 6.0 is apparently available as of today! This keeps in line with PTC's plan of...
Going Back to the Mathcad Basics
Here's a post on the PTC website on going back to Mathcad basics: https://www.ptc.com/en/mathcad-software-blog/going-back-mathcad-basics...